At last week’s Membership Meeting, and with a full house looking on, Dr. Steven West officiated the induction of Ernesto Zavaleta, MD, FHM, newly appointed president of the Lake-Sumter Medical Society. Past President, Dr. Shelley Coleman Glover, was recognized for her achievements as president, including the implementation of the Health Insurance Trust Plan. Dr. Glover graciously accepted a plaque and roses, as mementos of her years of service. She will remain on the Board of Governors, providing guidance and assistance as the new president begins his term.
Newly inducted president, Dr. Ernesto Zavaleta, spoke of his plan to create goals for the coming year that will increase membership and make the Lake-Sumter Medical Society the first and obvious choice for physicians across the two counties.
Dr. Zavaleta, who hails from Peru, is well known at South Lake Hospital where he serves as a Hospitalist specializing in internal medicine. If you would like to speak with Dr. Zavaleta, or if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the LSMS office either at 352-483-4748 or frontdesk@lakesumter.org.
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